Photo Source: Waverley Inn, Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Waverley Inn in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada is located at the edge of Downtown Halifax on the quiet end of the city’s main thoroughfare, Barrington Street. A Halifax landmark since 1876, the Waverley is also within easy walking distance of most major attractions and points of interest. This boutique inn offers visitors thirty-four uniquely decorated guest rooms, featuring such gracious amenities as canopy beds, European style feather-beds, private baths, over-sized jacuzzi baths, fluffy terry-robes, and beautiful Victorian period antiques, which add charm and character. In the Historic Properties, on the Halifax Waterfront, quaint shops and galleries dot many of the small cobblestone walkways. The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia is located here with an impressive display of local folk art. The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic is also near by, with extensive exhibits on the region’s sea faring history and the great disasters of the Halifax Explosion and the sinking of the Titanic. And with five universities in town the night life is never dull. From the harbourfront all the way up to the Spring Garden Road pubs, bars and cabarets entertain until the wee hours.