2 comments on “Thompson LES Hotel, New York City

  1. Well 120 a night is high for me but I’ve been unable to find many hletos in big cities that are less so I used that as an estimate. The job I work at pays very little. It’s pathetic actually the amount of money I make and I work with kids! I have to begin saving for a trip a year in advance just so I can keep something in my bank account. I love working with kids but my pay you can’t actually live on unless you have a very strict budget. I’m glad to hear of this hostel. I may have to go with that. It would save me so much money!

  2. I haven’t stayed at that hotel but I’ve been to Disney 3 times in the last 6 years I love it!Going with chdeirln so young you’ll have a great time in Fantasy land with the kids just be careful the food is quite expensive But other than that you will have a great time enjoy!!

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